
I've just created a branch in gcj, just the gcc/libjava directory, to try to accelerate some of the AWT and swing work. partly this was done in gcc rather than classpath because it seems classpath loses synchronized compatibility with any particular VM more frequently than libjava does with gcj, partly just because it was a simple solution and we could get it working today. I forward the message I sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] below; basically it means we'll be doing less-frequent merges to mainline gcc and classpath, and committing to the branch without mandatory pre-approval review, for a little while (maybe a few months), while the code is maturing rapidly.

one person this will likely affect is sascha: his swing work is going into classpath rather than gcj, so we will need to personally coordinate a little bit. however, since he tends to produce large, complete (well documented and tested!) "units" of work at a time, I don't forsee there being many problematic dependencies between our work and his, so long as we're not actually *duplicating* effort.

of course everyone is welcome to monitor our work in the libjava branch, or just wait for larger merges. up to you. please let me know if you have other concerns.

--- Begin Message --- hi,

I've been talking recently with some of the other Red Hat people tasked with working on java GUI technology -- AWT and Swing -- and we've come to the conclusion that this work would be accelerated a bit if we temporarily relocated to a secondary branch, the goal being to improve the inter-group communication and minimize idle time associated with mainline's (rightly) conservative review and approval process.

unless someone has a serious objection, I would like the rules for this branch to be as follows: you can commit your work without per-patch review, assuming you're patching or adding files you're "supposed" to be working on (in java/awt, gnu/java/awt, javax/swing, etc.), but please continue to send patches showing the changes you make to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so that interested parties can review your work chronologically.

we'll do bulk merges back into the mainline (and classpath) once the activity settles down a bit, but at somewhat larger intervals. if you commit code which breaks, we'll sort it out on IRC or mailing lists. the intention here is to try to build up the GUI libraries *fast*, and communicate all our work to one another as quickly as possible.

this branch only applies to the gcc/libjava module; to move your working copy to this branch, do the following:

$ cd $SRCDIR/gcc/libjava
$ cvs update -r java-gui-branch

you can check to see that your files moved to the new branch using the
"cvs status" command, as such:

$ cvs status Makefile.am
File: Makefile.am       Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    1.361
   Repository revision: 1.361   /cvs/gcc/gcc/libjava/Makefile.am,v
   Sticky Tag:          java-gui-branch (branch: 1.361.2)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)

the thing to look for being the "sticky tag", set to java-gui-branch.


--- End Message ---
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