>>>>> "Patrik" == Patrik Reali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Patrik> OSNews has some discussion on Sun's answer to ESR request to make Java
Patrik> open source.
Patrik> <http://www.osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=6053>

IMO, while it would be helpful if Sun opened their source, we don't
really need it.

What we do need is 3 things:

1. Access to the TCK on acceptable terms,

2. Involvement in the JCP without contamination or other unacceptable
   constraints, and

3. Easing of the requirements on subsetting.  The free software
   community doesn't work well with the "one big perfect release"
   model that Sun seems to want.  They could lift these restrictions
   for free implementations only.  I think we all recognize
   compatibility as a major benefit of the Java platform; we differ
   only on how to get there.

The free Java implementors and Sun would make good allies if these
things were done.


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