Hi all,

On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 19:39, Etienne Gagnon wrote:
>  >   http://people.redhat.com/~graydon/free-swing-mar-23-2004.png
> OK SableVM guys!  I'd like to see this in SableVM's staging tree *now*!


> To get get SableVM staging to work out-of-the-box with
> a Classpath CVS, using:
> $ # [go to classpath working copy]
> $ cd classpath
> $ ./configure --with-vm=sablevm && make && make install
> $ # [go to sablevm working copy]
> $ cd ../sablevm
> $ ./configure && make && make install
> $ # [go to swing demo]
> $ cd ../swing-demo
> $ sablevm SwingDemo
> $ # [amazing GUI is now shown :-)]
> What's missing?

Two things:

- This code is now only in the development branch of libgcj. To keep the
AWT/Swing hackers busy and to to distracted by all the other cool things
going on this is only merged back to libgcj proper once a month (then it
needs to me merged back to classpath again). Which means that you will
have to wait till 0.09 probably to play with it out of the box.

- Although we have a TestAWT application, we don't have a TestSwing
application. It would be nice if Graydon could post the sources of the
demos he used for the nice shots at http://people.redhat.com/~graydon/
Hint, hint, ... ;)



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