Hi all,

Some of us saw each other in Belgium last month, some of us meet on irc
[*] from time to time and sometimes we have huge cross-mailinglist
discussions. Now we also have a "Planet" to keep each other informed
about interesting stuff!

I have setup "Planet Classpath": http://classpath.wildebeest.org/planet/
It aggregates some of the diaries written by GNU Classpath, gcj, Kaffe,
IKVM.NET, java-gnome, Debian java, Jikes RVM and SableVM hackers.
Not always relevant, but always fun to read!

I hope it will give a feeling of working together with people on a
bigger project (there is so much non-Classpath work that is still very
relevant to the Classpath community!) Hope you like it.

If you work on something Classpath (or freevm) related and write about
it from time to time please let me know and I'll add you to the planet.
It doesn't have to be "100% pure" Classpath. It is also nice to see what
other things people find interesting. 
But I believe writing a movie review from time to time is mandatory :)



[*] #classpath on irc.gnu.org

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