Hello classpath hackers,
I am observing gnu classpath now for some time and was lately able to run it on my system using JamVM. I tested its functionality interactively using beanshell and have to admit that I am impressed! Thanks to you all to make this possible.

It is not the first time that I thought about helping the classpath project but found nothing to start with. However I am developing a game in Java (freefodder.dev.java.net) and want to see it working on a Free VM. I decided to start by implementing the java.beans.XMLDecoder class because that is used extensively by that game. Later on I will try to complete the java.beans package but this purely future talk (atm).

And now some questions:

Is anyone already working on this and wants to send me her/his patches?
Is it ok to rely on javax.xml.*.* packages although GNU jaxp is not included in Classpath anymore?
Am I allowed to study and analyse the output of Sun's implementation of XMLEncoder (eg. XML files written using it) and/or the information given here http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/persistence3/ to write the cleanroom implementation?

I have read the Classpath Hackers Guide and will try to write good Free software along with documentation and test cases.

For the records: I have not studied, analysed or decompiled any classes of Sun's implementation of the Java SDK. I have not signed any
non-disclosure agreements with that company. I give the copyright of all my contributions for GNU classpath to the Free Software Foundation.
My passport says I am "Robert Schuster" :-)


Now give me some time ;-)

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