Am Dienstag, 16. November 2004 10:46 schrieb Torsten Rupp:
> Dear Brian,
> >>>(and I thought
> >>>we agreed to get rid of these kind of macros and would use
> >>> normal functions as much as possible in the future.)
> >>
> >>When I remember right, the agreement was not to remove the macros
> >>completely, but instead make them into "alias"-names for target
> >> specific implementations of some OS-function.
> >
> > I believe Mark is correct here, we agreed to turn the macros into
> > real functions for debugging purposes.  And we'll probably use
> > autoconf feature testing for portability.  Getting to the
> > alias-names of some OS-function is a first step and then convert
> > them into real functions.
> When I understand the message from Michael from Aug-11-2004 right,
> we agreeded _not_ to remove the macro names completely (that would
> mean aicas will be kicked out from Classpath native code; I tried
> to explain this and why the macros are so important for aicas
> already in several messages), but instead make the following
> changes:

I wouldn't call this a decision.

> Based on this idea I developed a POSIX-target layer. Unfortuantelly
> I'm currently to busy with my daily work, thus I still could not
> prepare the needed patches (which is also a difficult work). Soon I
> will have enough time I like to do this.

The main problem is that we have to get two groups under one hat.

I still have to look into the code you sent to in private. Sorry, I 
had no time to do it yet.


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