Brian Sumner <bcsumner <at>> writes:

> Is anyone currently working on the org.omg.CORBA package.  If not, I'd 
> like to take a shot at it if there aren't any objections. 

Heya!  I had taken a look at them, but haven't gotten anywhere with them.  We
need to be careful with the sources we use for implementing these.  The pages on
Sun's site have some particular license restrictions, and the OMG considers the
Java code to be the standard, with the PDF files only making a best-effort at
describing it.

The FSF has said that we can safely use those PDF files.

Sun used 00-01-08 for their IDL to Java mapping, but on #classpath, we've
discussed the fact that we can use a newer standard since they're generally
backwards compatible.  So I'd recommend that you look at:

I've looked a few times for hard copies from them to use, but haven't found any
way of purchasing them yet.

The tentative plan at this point is to use Orbit, since that's the Official GNU
ORB(tm).  The IDL generator is still an open question.  If another tool can't
provide it, we can always produce one ourselves and stuff it in classpath-tools.

I hope this helps!  I'm often online during the day in #classpath as jbailey if
you want to chat directly about it.  I'd love to work with someone on getting
these done.

Jeff Bailey

Classpath mailing list

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