
Thank you, I think that yours is a sane interpretation of that clause.  On 
further thought, I'd have to concur that, re-implementation of a standard 
most likely doesn't imply creation... and the previous licenses seem to 

Thanks for helping me see it another way,

Thomas Zander wrote:
> I read your paste as being unable to create _new_ classes not published 
> in the Java Platform Interface "JPI".
> Referencing the 1.4.2 version; this simply seems like a shorter version 
> saying the same things, except where the 1.4.2 version said you were 
> allowed to invent new APIs, but had to publish your API, this one does 
> not even allow that.
> I mean; how can you argue that re-implementing the File object is a 
> creation of classes, interfaces or subpackages?
> So, the license has changed; but only to make sure all API additions are 
> done via the JCP and/or by Sun.
> IANAL; but I would not worry about this.

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