On Jul 09, 2005 01:21 PM, Martin Kauss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jul 09, 2005 09:54 AM, Chris Burdess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Martin Kauss wrote:
> > > > So what I understand is this: (Correct me if I'm wrong)
> > > > 1. Problems with servlets are solvable with free Java tools, and these 
> > > > are not major showstoppers
> > > 
> > > I am not aware of any servlet issues at all, tomcat for example
> > > should provide all necessary libraries.
> > 
> > GNU provides the servlet API 2.4:
> > 
> >   cvs -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/classpathx co servletapi
> > 
> > If a package is needed I can make one.
> > 
> > > > 3. Main problem is that the free Javamail does not implement some 
> > > > methods that are needed by OX.
> > > 
> > > Correct. 
> > 
> > I haven't heard any issues raised on classpathx-javamail@gnu.org or
> > submitted as bugs or patches at
> > 
> >   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/classpathx
> > 
> > GNU JavaMail provides all the API methods provided by the JavaMail API.
> > If OX depends on com.sun APIs or on undocumented session properties,
> > this is an issue for OX to resolve. If there is functionality you want
> > exposing, there should be no problem, but you have to let us know.
> > 
> > > Finally i would like to mention that Sun do a great Job for Javamail
> > > with the mail protocol support and with the supported mail servers
> > > and IMHO it will not be easy to get to the same functionality.
> > 
> > GNU JavaMail doesn't explicitly support servers, it implements the
> > published standards. Sun's implementation supports 3 providers
> > (IMAP4, POP3, SMTP). GNU JavaMail supports 6 providers (IMAP4rev1, POP3,
> > SMTP, NNTP, mbox, Maildir) and we had SASL and STARTTLS support long
> > before Sun. Arguably we provide considerably more functionality.
> > -- 
> > Chris Burdess
> > 
> Hi,
> first of all i want to state that i do not want to start
> a discussion like vi/emacs, linux/windows or something
> similar. For us, freedom of choice is importend and if the
> classpath project fits the needs - it is just fine.
> Only one statement i want to clarify:
> I wrote that the Javamail API supports servers - maybe i should
> say that it has been tested against several servers 
> (like mentioned in the notes, 
> http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/NOTES13.txt).
> I will discuss the issue of "undocumented" calls at the beginning of the next
> week with our developer team and i will check again the classpath
> API because - like i wrote - i tested some month ago and
> at this time some methods were not included. I want to be up-to-date.
> Please be patient until we have investigated the details.
> Best regards,
> Martin Kauss

Hi again,

as i told you we have tested the current 
GNU classapth javamail version against OX.

Here are the results:

The complete part "Rights" is missing in the classpath
implementation or i was not able to find it 

However, there is another big issue:
If you take a deeper look into the implementation,
related to the errors you get from your compiler,
you see that the methods just do not match:


There are some other minor issues, but the ones above
are really big ones.

I am not sure what was meant with this "undocumented" stuff,
but maybe somebody can comment this and our results.

Best regards,

Martin Kauss

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