On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 20:32 +0200, Robert Schuster wrote:
> Hi folks,
> for some time now I want to see an ImageIO reader in Classpath which uses
> ImageMagick. However because of lack of time I could not finish it.
> Now I tarred the sources together in the hope that somebody else who is more
> experienced with ImageIO can finish it.
> The program in the attachment (Viewer) can display anything that ImageMagick 
> is
> able to read (even PDF :) ). You need to compile java-img.c into a shared
> library for this.
> What I have basically implemented is a native method that turns a (NIO)
> ByteBuffer into a BufferedImage (RGBA - regardless of what the source image
> really needed).
> The program works like this:
> First parameter can be i or r. 'i' tells it to load via ImageIO while 'r' uses
> the native method. Second parameter is the name of the file you want to look 
> at.

The license in the tarball is GPL.  Is it OK if we incorporate this code
into GNU Classpath, changing the license to GPL+exception?


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