On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 06:26 -0800, Anthony Green wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki is taking on the Batik-on-Classpath challenge!
> But he will really need a working BasicStroke soon:
> http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=22938
> IIRC, fitzsim said he was going to work on this relatively soon, is that
> right?

I may do this as part of the Graphics2D/Cairo work but it will be a
while before I get to it.  I suppose writing BasicStroke is a major
component of the "Batik-on-Classpath" challenge.


> AG
> email message attachment, "Forwarded message - Re: batik with GNU
> Classpath"
> On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 06:26 -0800, Anthony Green wrote:
> > This is just to let you know that I've started to work on that. It's not
> > like it's my highest priority but I want to put some energy into this.
> > 
> > During the weekend I've started to do the necessary changes to remove
> > the dependency on the com/sun/* classes. The following is mostly for the
> > Batik people to comment on the approach I have in mind:
> > 
> > - I've locally started to move the codec classes (TIFF and PNG) to the
> > sources-1.3 directory.
> > - I'm writing an adapter to encode images to TIFF/PNG to hide the
> > dependency.
> > - For JDKs >= 1.4 (and for GNU Classpath) I propose to write additional
> > adapters that use the ImageIO API to handled the image decoding/encoding.
> > These adapters will land in sources-1.4.
> > - The adapter implementations will be discovered through the Service
> > class.
> > 
> > Binaries compiled under Sun JDK 1.3.1 would still run on Sun JDKs 1.4.2 and
> > 5. For GNU Classpath the sources will be compiled in JDK 1.4 fashion. I
> > assume that ImageIO support for GNU Classpath is there, right?
> > 
> > So far I've had problems compiling stuff under CygWin because GNU
> > Classpath seems to require GCC 4.0. CygWin only contains GCC 3.x. ATM, I
> > don't have access to any Unix machine with GCJ installed. On the other
> > side, I've been able to make experiments with IKVM which also uses GNU
> > Classpath. But there seems to be bigger problems with its AWT
> > implementation so that I currently don't have high hopes that Batik will
> > run under IKVM which would also have been nice.
> > 
> > On 24.10.2005 15:38:59 Anthony Green wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 09:52 +0200, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > > > since I've heard a number of times now about the desire to run Batik/FOP
> > > > on GNU Classpath I'd like to help make sure this can happen. However,
> > > > the last time I tried to do anything in this direction I was utterly
> > > > stuck. Do you have any pointers, hints, advice for me how to build a
> > > > normal Java project that has an Ant build using GNU Classpath on 
> > > > Windows?
> > > 
> > > As far as I know there's no simple solution for Windows right now.
> > > However, there's still an easy way to help.
> > > 
> > > I believe that the main problem with Batik vis-a-vis GNU Classpath, is
> > > the use of com.sun.* classes for JPEG handling.  The answer here is to
> > > use standard (1.4+) APIs for JPEG handling (and use the old classes when
> > > running on a <=1.3 JRE).  Batik has a directory for 1.4 classes now.  It
> > > seems that all the support could go in there, and some combination of
> > > build.xml and runtime check magic could figure out what classes to build
> > > and run.
> > > 
> > > The Wikipedia people want to use batik on gcj/GNU Classpath to render
> > > svg for wikipedia entries, but they're stuck on this as well.
> > > 
> > > Of course, the GNU Classpath people need to fix the missing bits in
> > > java.awt.BasicStroke.  I think this could happen relatively quickly
> > > given all the demand.
> > > 
> > > Thanks!
> > > 
> > > AG
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Jeremias Maerki
> > 
> > 
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