On Jan 9, 2006, at 1:17 AM, Radhika wrote:


I am Radhika working as SSE for AppLabs Technologies. This mail is with respect to the Bug No. 25202 posted under http:// gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25202 , and the comments says that Classpath currently has no meaningful implementation of javax.security.auth.login.Configuration and need a parser for Sun- style JAAS config files.

I would like to know your feedback on this bug, will this be fixed in your next release? And what would be the probable date of your next release of Classpath. Or can you suggest any other alternative to execute this Java module on .NET Successfully. It would be of great help if you can provide us the details.

          Thanks in advance for your help.

Sorry, but we don't have any good notion about when this class will be implemented, aside from "when someone volunteers to and writes it." Of course, you could contribute one yourself; we'd certainly appreciate that. I'm currently trying to merge GNU Crypto and Jessie into Classpath, so what little time I can devote to this project is going there.

It is possible to write a bogus Configuration implementation that is tailored to your application, and pass that to the `setConfiguration' method. Basically, all you have to do is implement `getAppConfigurationEntry' to return the correct objects for your application. This isn't a configurable or long-term solution, but would be the "blunt object" way of working around this limitation in Classpath.

Hope this helps.

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