On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 11:49 +0100, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> BTW, does anybody know why we are not using the system strtod() when
> available? That seems the way to the quickest solution on most
> platforms. It seems to work with some simple tests for me. But I notice
> that there is no strtod_r(), just strtod(). But I couldn't find a
> definitive answer on whether or not the standard strtod() is guaranteed
> to be thread-safe or not. Does anybody know (where to find this
> information)?

OK found that out myself. Apparently some strtod implementations are
indeed not thread-safe by default (but most seem to be). The other
problem is that strtod depends on the locale and changing the locale
isn't thread-safe... sigh. So we do need our own implementation, or do
something like glib g_ascii_strtod() and convert the string
representation first to the current locale form (eeeewwww).



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