>>>>> "Casey" == Casey Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Casey> There are no changes to the build system (I don't know if
Casey> the GCJ support needs changing at all; I don't use it, so I can't
Casey> tell).

It should be fine; if not, I'll fix it up after the commit.

Casey> This should not break anything existing in Classpath; instead, it
Casey> should just add functionality mostly "behind the scenes," so I think
Casey> it's safe to just check this in. I will, however, wait for some
Casey> discussion and testing, to make sure something obvious isn't missing.

I think it would be fine to commit now.  It is a good time in the
cycle for a big commit -- we just did a release and the next one is
some ways away.

Casey> Again, I hope these issues aren't blockers,
Casey> because I'd like to get this merged as soon as possible, lest my
Casey> schedule block me from finally doing it.

Perhaps reminder PRs in bugzilla are in order.


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