Dalibor Topic wrote:

On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 12:20 -0500, Brian Jones wrote:
It would be nice, I believe, to re-use libraries that have handled most of the "porting" and "wrapping" for you such as APR (http://apr.apache.org/), or NPR (http://www.mozilla.org/projects/nspr/) to platforms GNU Classpath might care to support. You might also find glib useful, http://developer.gnome.org/arch/gtk/glib.html.
I believe that's the reason why neither APR nor NSPR (nor other similar
projects) have seen wide spread acceptance, even though they have been
around for many years now: they don't really pay off enough for people
to rewrite their existing code bases to them.
Okay, but I brought it up since the work Guilhem Lavaux is doing sounds an awful lot like a rewrite. Although technically I think you can just run the macro processor by hand to get the current real source code for say Linux and autoconfiscate it from there. Or you could go back a couple of years and look in native/ for the original autoconf/posix version of the libraries and move forward from there.

See also what the OpenBSD developers did as one of the first things,
once they 'forked' Apache web server 1.3.x after the Apache license
change: rip out APR and replace its use by plain old posix functions,
since those were more maintainable for them.
Yea, I think the point for me would be to keep Classpath's java hackers out of the business of writing native code, and especially out of the business of porting native code for such common idioms as generic file operations, network operations, etc.

Anyway, that was my $0.02,

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