On 3/2/06, Thomas Fitzsimmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 00:06 -0500, James Damour wrote:
> > I also looked into the compatability between MegaMek clients and servers
> > running on proprietary and free VMs.  There was an initial hiccup where
> > I was getting incompatable serialVersionUID, but I quickly realized that
> > the problem was caused by my compiling MegaMek twice, once with Sun
> > tools, and once with Free tools.  When I gave both VMs the same set of
> > classes (or JAR file), they could connect without difficulty.
> Isn't this the point of serialVersionUID though?  If someone builds and
> runs MegaMek with Sun's tools and another person builds and runs MegaMek
> with free tools, the two MegaMek instances should be able to serialize
> and unserialize each other's data.  Where this isn't the case don't we
> need to update our serialVersionUID fields?

I read that as svuids of MegaMek-specific classes... in fact I think
it *must* have meant MegaMek-specific classes, because you *can't*
build Classpath itself with Sun's tools.

So the issue reduces to the known one of "the svuid algorithm is only
well-specified for a given *compiled* class, not for a given java
source file" (which is why some compilers warn about Serializable
classes without explicit svuids).

The right solution is to add svuids to the classes within MegaMek.


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