    I sent this on another list and forgot to CC this one...

For the choice of VM I would recommend SableVM, as with its recent
refactoring I built it down to 220 K on Intel with gcc -Os etc.

Check out SableVM at www.sablevm.org.

We at Gatespace are the people behind Knopflerfish OSGI. I test-drove
Knopflerfish's test suite with JamVM and SableVM (both use Classpath),
the results were the same, and the speed was comparable. Haven't
measured memory consumption yet. We target CDC, so our constraints with
respect to that are less strict.

Classpath's AWT of course runs on top of GTK+.

I argue for Sable instead of Jam because:

- Sable has a large and active community
- Sable is LGPL. GPL does not work for maemo. Read why at
- Sable has an almost complete JIT compiler.

Someone needs to put in a build option to Classpath to make it build
CLDC only, or any other profile.

As for the MIDP implementation, someone is working on it (announced on
the wishlist).

Best Regards,

Philippe Laporte

Gatespace Telematics
Första Långgatan 18
41328 Göteborg
Phone: +46 702 04 35 11
Fax:   +46 31 24 16 50


Right. Most work for that port would be in:
- choosing JVM,
- create CLDC implementation,
- create graphics support (MIDP part) to GTK+.

Bartek Teodorczyk

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] J2ME on Nokia 770
From: Jesper Zuschlag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, March 07, 2006 12:43 pm
To: maemo-developers@maemo.org

Sound fine. But you will not get far without a Java environment / JVM, which is exactly what we are missing on the Nokia 770. I been having plans for implementing a CLDC JVM on the 770 but I have been waiting for somebody to make 770 development on Mac OS X possible. I don't think it is possible yet.


On 07/03/2006, at 11.45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've read some discussion on that list about the possibility of running
J2ME MIDlets on Nokia 770. As I've found, the problem is because of
lack of J2ME implementation for that device. I'm an author of
MicroEmulator (http://www.sf.net/projects/microemulator) - pure java
CLDC/MIDP implementation. I think it would be possible to create port
of MicroEmulator on Nokia 770 to fill that gap. If anyone is
interesested in that please send info and I could look into more

Bartek Teodorczyk

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