------- Comment #10 from fitzsim at redhat dot com  2006-03-07 01:32 -------
For oneslime we currently call gdk_flush once every 500us which is obviously
way overkill.  I'm working on a patch that will batch graphics operations,
restricting the gdk_flush call rate to a maximum of once every 20ms (about 50
frames-per-second).  Unfortunately, I believe these gdk_flush calls are
unavoidable for AWT applications since they may paint from threads other than
the GTK main loop thread.  See FAQ entry 5.3:


My patch will also use XFlush directly as suggested in the FAQ.

Limiting the rate of gdk_flush calls may solve the Swing slowness that your
test case demonstrates.  If it turns out that disabling gdk_flush calls
altogether results in better results for your benchmark, I'll disable them for
Swing components only -- though this may affect the smoothness of animations
painted on Swing components.

I'll post my patch for you to try, tomorrow.



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