Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
Filtering warnings in Classpath with Eclipse, I found there are 388
warnings about "The import XXX is never used". I can work on these
warnings and I think I can commit the result without requesting for
comment on each classes because it's a minimal impact patch. But before
proceeding, I'd like to ask:
1- is it useful;

Why not, if you can be bothered? It tidies things up and makes them easier to maintain.

2- which package can I start working on?

Packages that are involved:


This class, at least, is generated (from XPathParser.y). But feel free to remove unused imports from the other gnu.xml.* classes.
犬 Chris Burdess
  "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety
  deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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