On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 12:25:57PM +0200, Audrius Meskauskas wrote:
> Does anybody tried and knows some profiling tools that run with 
> Classpath (and with which virtual machine)? If not, implementing some 
> profiling may be an interesting and important future task.

jmp works with kaffe (which has a jvmpi implementation), afaik.

dalibor topic

> Some programs like Protege seem having places that are executed 
> unusually slowly. It would be great to do at least some profiling. There 
> are many profiling tools, and there are Free profiling tools also, but 
> even they are created mostly for use with the Sun's jre (despite that 
> jre can do come profiling without any help from the side).
> Audrius.

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