Sun's Chief Open Source Officer Simon Phipps alias webmink
wrotes, that he have still not decided, which OpenSource license will be used for Suns Java.

He wrote:

" To be clear, I've not expressed a preference for any particular license yet. In fact, I think it's still unclear which of my license categories most applies to the Java platform. I'm reading everything that's being written by commentators from the various Java communities, however, and I'm keen for Sun to make license choices that create the best future for us all. I've discussed this further in my blog at "

So to all of the OpenSource-Java folks:
If you prefer a special license or a special license form and you have reasons, why you think, that your prefered license would be the best for Java, then write it at Suns OpenSource JDK forum at

Actually is still the time, where you can influence, which license Suns Java will have.


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