------- Comment #3 from hendrich at informatik dot uni-hamburg dot de  
2006-12-14 07:57 -------
(In reply to comment #2)

> I disagree. TimesRoman etc are not logical font names, but 'physical' font
> names. (Logical names are Serif, SansSerif, Monospaced, Dialog, and 
> DialogInput
> -- refer to the API docs for java.awt.Font for more details). 

Well, Sun has corrected their mistake by now. My point is that they _did_
use "TimesRoman", "Helvetica", and "Courier" as the logical fonts names
in JDK 1.0. Admittedly, there was little difference between logical and
physical font names back then. Unfortunately, I have no copy of the 1.0.2
API docs lying around anymore to prove that, but the test case shows that 
the JDKs still acknowledge the old names.

So, the question is whether we want bug-compatibility with Sun in this
case, or not. 

I vote for compatibility. Adding the extra outdated font name checks fixes 
the compatibility issue, and applications that use the new logical font 
names will not see any difference.

> these work with the JDK is not strict backwards-compatibility, but only caused
> by Sun bundling these fonts with JREs. I don't think that we should map these
> names internally, as it is not at all correct. If one requests TimesRoman, he
> would expect the font 'TimesRoman' be loaded.

Excatly. An (outdated) application that requests "TimesRoman" or "Courier"
expects to get those, but with current classpath its gets "Dialog" in both

> I guess that this would even work with GNU Classpath if you happen to have the
> Microsoft TTF fonts installed and registered with fontconfig. There are
> packages for many distros that pull in these (non-free) fonts.

I don't see how this could happen. The logical font name is not recognized, 
and Dialog is substituted, regardless of what fonts are installed. Am I 
missing something?



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