Roman Kennke wrote:

>>>> I'm not going to try to defend the worst points of CVS, such as its
>>>> non- atomic commits; a commit should either commit all files or
>>>> fail.  I use svn, and it does the right thing, more or less all the
>>>> time.
>>> And I'm not going to defend Mercurial either. I'm just saying that
>>> simply mapping concepts and workflows from CVS or SVN to HG just
>>> doesn't work. It will get you in trouble soon. It probably doesn't
>>> help that certain commands are named similar in Mercurial, just
>>> because they do something similar like CVS or Subversion (but not
>>> exactly). BTW, I think the problem I described above also applies to
>>> Subversion AFAIK, correct me if I'm wrong.
>> As far as I can understand the problem you're describing above, it doesn't
>> apply.
> Oh wow. I admit I haven't used SVN so much though. I was suspecting that
> it works similar to CVS in this respect.

svn is a real database, and has real atomic multi-file change sets.
The idea of svn was just to fix the things about CVS that everyone knew
were broken, and this was one of them.

>>> But committing changes to files (that doesn't trigger a conflict)
>>> will get the remote repository into a different state than you (and
>>> therefore anybody else) have on your machine, and is therefore not
>>> possible to prove that this is a reasonable state at all.
>> Sure, but if none of the files you are committing has changed on the
>> trunk since the versions you edited, I don't expect a complaint about
>> merging from the VCS when none of the files have been merged.  This is
>> just broken, whether it's deliberate policy or not.
> I disagree. It is just a different view of the system. CVS and
> Subversion view a project as a bunch of files (Subversion not so much as
> CVS, but still). HG and other modern VCSs view the thing as a project
> with certain states and a line (or graph) of development (ChangeSets).
> If 2 developers both derive from the same version, they create a
> (implicit) branch, which naturally needs to merge. I think, this is
> pretty easy logic, but yeah, it interfers with the workflow people are
> used from CVS and Subversion.

>> Here's how I want to work:
>> Clone the repo.
>> Do work locally, comitting as I go along.
>> Pull from the repo, merging changes from trunk with the changes I just
>> made.
>> Make sure it all works.
>> Push back my changes.
>> If there's a merge conflict at Stage 3 because someone has changed the
>> same lines in a file that I have changed, then I expect to have to fix
>> a conflct.  If there isn't, I don't want any complaints from the VCS.
> This is exactly how it works:
> hg clone /some/rep
> cd repo && $DO_WORK
> hg commit blabla
> hg fetch (or pull & merge & commit & update)
> hg push
> Merging is usually done automatically in the fetch (or merge) stage. If
> it is not possible to do automatically, then it pops up kdiff3 or
> whatever tool it finds to let you merge manually.

I suspect that the problem was that I didn't use fetch because it wasn't
installed when I tried to work this way, and I didn't realize that it
was necessary to do the full pull & merge & commit & update part.

It sounds like fetch does the Right Thing, anyway.

> then it pops up kdiff3 or whatever tool it finds to let you merge
> manually.

Well, yes, it did that, and it was talking about files that *I had not
changed locally*, so I had no way to know what to do.  These were files
that had been changed by someone else since I pulled, I guess.

>>> I don't consider automatic merging at push-time a feature. You
>>> cannot even get back to the state to where you have been before
>>> committing, because CVS and SVN don't bother to separate your
>>> changeset from the actual merge. I know, this is not a big deal in
>>> almost all situations, mostly because we got used to handle this,
>>> but again, HG appears to be more explicit about what happens.
>> I don't want automatic merging at push-time.  I *do* want automatic
>> merging of trunk with the changes I have committed locally when I
>> pull, and if there are no real conflicts I want a subsequent push to
>> work.
> I understand. What exactly was the original problem then? hg fetch does
> exactly this. The only thing I see is that another developer _might_
> have pushed his own changes while you merge, which is usually easily
> fixed by doing hg fetch again. BTW: The same usually happens with all
> other VCSes too, at least when ChangeLog files are involved ;-)

Oh, sure if the files had really changed locally and on trunk,
but that wasn't what I was seeing.

>> Well, I know it's possible in theory, but I also know what happens
>> when I try.  And I've been around this in IRC, where I explain the
>> simple thing I've been trying to do, the fact it doesn't work, and
>> no-one has any clue how to repair the situation.  I suspect that most
>> of the icedtea developers solve this problem simply by not doing local
>> hg operations at all.  It would be interesting to ask icedtea
>> developers just how much they use hg to do local develeopment.
> Eh. Is there anyway to interact with Mercurial other than locally? I
> don't think all the developers log into the server, and do all the work
> directly in the master repo. Infact, I think this is not possible at
> all, technically.

There is a way: do all your development locally with no commits, then
pull and update and commit and push straight away.  That way you never
get into a situation where you might have merge problems.  The only time
I ever got in a mess with hg is when I was using it locally and then
wanted to push my committed changes upstream.  In the end I had to clone
the repo again, generate a diff on the old repo that refused to push,
apply the diff with patch, and commit.


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