Hello everyone,

I'm a Java Developer and I'm working mainly with embedded devices. Now I'm running JamVM with GNU Classpath on an ARM processor. This is all working fine, and I didn't had any big problems until now... I'll try to explain my problem as good as possible, but if someone needs some more information, you can contact me ofcourse!

So, I'm using the Smack API to get an XMPPConnection with my XMPPServer. This is working, but my CPU is running at 100%! I do have the same problem (CPU at 100%) when I try to run this java program on my desktop computer with JamVM and GNU Classpath. When I run it using Sun's JVM, the CPU load is around 0-1 %.

I don't have any clue what this problem could be causing, I'm trying to find out what part of the Smack API is causing the problems, but at the moment I log-in to the server, the CPU jumps to 100%... Could this be caused by some encryption that's been used by Smack? Since the Smack API needs a KeyStoreType, I'm using the gkr type since that's the one supported by GNU Classpath...

If anyone had this kind of problems before with GNU Classpath, or could solve my problem, this would be great!! Any help would be welcome since I'm quite stuck with this...

Kind regards,

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