----- Original Message -----
> The ecj.jar provided on ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/java wasn't updated anymore
> since
> 2008, having no support for java7.  It looks like this ecj is already used
> within the Fedora disto, however only locally patched (at least I couldn't
> find
> any mail sent to java-patches).
> Find attached the changes required to build a new ecj.jar from the R3_8_2 git
> tag.  The built files can be found at
> http://people.debian.org/~doko/tmp/eclipse-gcj/. The resulting gcj -C looks
> fine, building libjava with the new ecj.jar doesn't show any regressions, and
> the testsuite doesn't show any regressions.  However the filenames for some
> generated class and header files have changed for inner classes:
> $ svn status|grep UIDefaults|sort -k1
> !       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$1.class
> !       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$2.class
> !       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$3.class
> !       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$4.class
> ?       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue$1.class
> ?       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue$2.class
> ?       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue$3.class
> ?       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue$4.class
> !       javax/swing/UIDefaults$1.h
> !       javax/swing/UIDefaults$2.h
> !       javax/swing/UIDefaults$3.h
> !       javax/swing/UIDefaults$4.h
> ?       javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue$1.h
> ?       javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue$2.h
> ?       javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue$3.h
> ?       javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue$4.h
> M       classpath/lib/javax/swing/plaf/basic/SharedUIDefaults.class
> M       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults.class
> M       classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIDefaults$ProxyLazyValue.class
> M
> classpath/lib/javax/swing/UIManager$MultiplexUIDefaults$MultiplexEnumeration.class
> See the attached svn-status.gz file for a complete diff (replace ! with D, ?
> with A).
>  - I'd like to ask Tom (or somebody else) to look at the patches
>    for the rhug/java repository.
>  - Ask to rebuild the .class and .h files using this new ecj.jar on the
>  trunk,
>    after the ecj.jar is uploaded.
> There are issues building OpenJDK and IcedTea with this new compiler.  Please
> see the IcedTea ML for a follow-up posting.
>   Matthias

Is this ecj buildable with gcj?  My experience of 3.8 is that it isn't buildable
without the javax.lang.model code that is now in GNU Classpath, but hasn't yet 
merged to gcj (it's not yet ready for that).
Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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