Hello everyone,

First of all I apologize for this direct message. I went through the
website https://savannah.gnu.org/ and only found this address where I can
post my query. I am sorry if I have posted at the wrong place. Below is the
description of the problem we are facing.

We have cross-compiled the gnu classpath 0.98 and jamvm 1.5_4 for our arm
xscale device. When we run helloworld program, it works perfectly fine. But
when we run gui applications, there is no response. Below are our commands
which we gave for cross-compiling:


./configure --host=arm-xscale-linux-gnueabi  --prefix=/usr/local
--disable-examples --with-x --disable-qt-peer --disable-gtk-peer
--disable-gconf-peer --disable-plugin --enable-alsa --disable-dssi
--enable-local-sockets --enable-collections --enable-xmlj --disable-Werror
 --enable-tools  --enable-default-toolkit=gnu.java.awt.peer.x.XToolkit


make install


./configure --host arm-xscale-linux-gnueabi --prefix=/usr/local
--with-classpath-install-dir=/usr/local --enable-ffi


make install

We then transfer the required files to our device.

we run our programs as

jamvm helloworld

jamvm -verbose Button

helloworld runs perfectly fine and gives the desired output in proper time.
But when we run any gui sample we receive following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
   at gnu.java.awt.peer.x.XToolkit.getClasspathFontPeer(XToolkit.java:208)
   at java.awt.Font.getPeerFromToolkit(Font.java:329)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(InputStreamReader.java:208)
   at java.util.Properties.load(Properties.java:380)
   at gnu.java.awt.font.OpenTypeFontPeer.<clinit>(OpenTypeFontPeer.java:93)
   at gnu.java.awt.peer.x.XToolkit.getClasspathFontPeer(XToolkit.java:208)

Can someone please guide us on this. This is becoming very critical.

Earlier we thought this to be jamvm issue, but on jamvm forums , it can out
that we are missing something while cross-compiling gnu classpath.

It will be a great help if someone can direct us towards fixing this to see
what we are missing to get the gui applications running with jamvm. We have
made a small sample using java swing which creates a frame and 2 buttons
over it.

Thanks in advance.

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