On 09/03/2014 09:35 AM, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia wrote:
What would you like me to do? How can I help ?

More useful than updating Classoath per se would be creating
a version of GCJ that uses OpenJDK's javac for compiling to bytecodes,
and OpenJDK classes (or at least mostly so).  This is a big project,
but has a chance of being useful and maintained.

There may be licensing issues that should be considered before
charging full steam ahead.

I'm out of the loop, so I don't know if anything like that is happening.
I'd start with switching to using javac.  When I'd add/replace whatever
non-core classes that don't wouldn't conflict with GCJ/Classpath core classes.
Maybe this wold be a fork or branch of Classpath, or maybe the mainline - 
on the changes.

In general, the sanest way to update classpath is to merge in OpenJDK code.
(Again, assuming licensing and other policy issues have been evaluated.)
However, the OpenJDK classes may depend on recent Java language features.
Which is why projects using Classpath should switch to using OpenJDK's javac.
(I don't believe Eclipse's compiler is as solid or complete, though that may be
my bias from having worked with javac engineers.  It's probably good enough for
at least the initial stages of merging in OpenJDK classes.)
        --Per Bothner
p...@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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