====== TFP 2022 ======

23rd Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
10-11 February, 2022
Krakow, Poland

== Important Dates ==

Submission deadline for pre-symposium review            Wednesday 1st December, 2021 Submission deadline for draft papers                    Wednesday 12th January, 2022 Notification for pre-symposium submissions              Friday 21st January, 2022 Notification for draft submissions                      Friday 21st January, 2022 Symposium dates                                         Thursday 10th - Friday 11th February, 2022 Submission deadline for post-symposium reviewing        Wednesday 16th March, 2022 Notification for post-symposium submissions             Friday 13rd May, 2022

The Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) is an
international forum for researchers with interests in all aspects of
functional programming, taking a broad view of current and future
trends in the area. It aspires to be a lively environment for
presenting the latest research results, and other contributions.

Please be aware that TFP uses two distinct rounds of submissions.

TFP 2022 will be co-located with two other functional programming
events. TFP 2022 will be accompanied by the International Workshop on
Trends in Functional Programming in Education (TFPIE), which will take
place on February 11. Simultaneously with TFP, Lambda Days '22 is a
two day conference where academia meets industry, where research and
practical application collide.

== Scope ==

The symposium recognizes that new trends may arise through various
routes. As part of the Symposium's focus on trends we therefore
identify the following five article categories. High-quality articles
are solicited in any of these categories:

* Research Articles:
  Leading-edge, previously unpublished research work
* Position Articles:
 On what new trends should or should not be
* Project Articles:
  Descriptions of recently started new projects
* Evaluation Articles:
  What lessons can be drawn from a finished project
* Overview Articles:
  Summarizing work with respect to a trendy subject

Articles must be original and not simultaneously submitted for
publication to any other forum. They may consider any aspect of
functional programming: theoretical, implementation-oriented, or
experience-oriented. Applications of functional programming techniques
to other languages are also within the scope of the symposium.

Topics suitable for the symposium include, but are not limited to:

* Functional programming and multicore/manycore computing
* Functional programming in the cloud
* High performance functional computing
* Extra-functional (behavioural) properties of functional programs
* Dependently typed functional programming
* Validation and verification of functional programs
* Debugging and profiling for functional languages
* Functional programming in different application areas:
  security, mobility, telecommunications applications, embedded
  systems, global computing, grids, etc.
* Interoperability with imperative programming languages
* Novel memory management techniques
* Program analysis and transformation techniques
* Empirical performance studies
* Abstract/virtual machines and compilers for functional languages
* (Embedded) domain specific languages
* New implementation strategies
* Any new emerging trend in the functional programming area

If you are in doubt on whether your article is within the scope of
TFP, please contact the TFP 2022 program chairs, Wouter Swierstra and
Nicolas Wu.

== Best Paper Awards ==

To reward excellent contributions, TFP awards a prize for the best
paper accepted for the formal proceedings.

TFP traditionally pays special attention to research students,
acknowledging that students are almost by definition part of new
subject trends. A student paper is one for which the authors state
that the paper is mainly the work of students, the students are listed
as first authors, and a student would present the paper. A prize for
the best student paper is awarded each year.

In both cases, it is the PC of TFP that awards the prize. In case the
best paper happens to be a student paper, that paper will then receive
both prizes.

== Instructions to Author ==

Papers must be submitted at:


Authors of papers have the choice of having their contributions
formally reviewed either before or after the Symposium.

== Pre-symposium formal review ==

Papers to be formally reviewed before the symposium should be
submitted before an early deadline and receive their reviews and
notification of acceptance for both presentation and publication
before the symposium. A paper that has been rejected in this process
may still be accepted for presentation at the symposium, but will not
be considered for the post-symposium formal review.

== Post-symposium formal review ==

Draft papers will receive minimal reviews and notification of
acceptance for presentation at the symposium. Authors of draft papers
will be invited to submit revised papers based on the feedback received
at the symposium. A post-symposium refereeing process will then select
a subset of these articles for formal publication.

== Paper categories ==

Draft papers and papers submitted for formal review are submitted as
extended abstracts (4 to 10 pages in length) or full papers (20
pages). The submission must clearly indicate which category it belongs
to: research, position, project, evaluation, or overview paper. It
should also indicate which authors are research students, and whether
the main author(s) are students. A draft paper for which all authors
are students will receive additional feedback by one of the PC members
shortly after the symposium has taken place.

== Format ==

Papers must be written in English, and written using the LNCS
style. For more information about formatting please consult the
Springer LNCS web site.

== Program Committee ==

Program Co-chairs

Nicolas Wu - Imperial College London
Wouter Swierstra - Utrecht University

The remainder of the PC will be announced on the conference website.

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