The release for Project Clearwater sprint "Lapras" has been cut. The code for 
this release is tagged as release-105 in github.

This release includes the following bug fixes:

*         Privacy header options delimiter is incorrect 

*         The --default-tel-uri-translation option is marked as requiring an 
argument, but doesn't need one 

*         sprout can't talk to chronos in an IPv6 environment 

*         Restund can't be started by monit 

*         IPv6 Homestead fails to connect to Cassandra. 

*         Stuck RALF_PROCESS_FAIL alarm 

*         URLs not formatted correctly for IPv6 

*         homestead and ralf wait up to 120s before retrying Diameter 
connection (

*         adding an ibcf node to a deployment doesn't create a route53 entry 
for it (

*         Clearwater AIO node hostname is "cwaio" not "cw-aio" 

*         Astaire crashes in the FV tests 

*         LZ4 compressing and decompressing of large messages doesn't work 

To upgrade to this release, follow the instructions at
 If you are deploying an all-in-one node, the standard image 
( has been updated for this release.

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