
Can you clarify what you are seeing?

The expected behaviour is that if a client sets up a TCP connection and 
successfully authenticates on that connection, then future requests are 
unchallenged. The first request on each connection should be challenged, and if 
it isn't that's probably a bug.

This is because once a successful authentication is completed on a TCP 
connection, the client behind it is known to be authenticated, and so the flow 
is authenticated, and so there is no need to challenge the authentication.

We don't have any configuration to disable this behaviour in Bono.


From: Clearwater [] On 
Behalf Of
Sent: 20 October 2016 08:57
Subject: [Project Clearwater] registration authentication

Dear all,

I deleted my existing installation in order to  install the new release-108. I 
have an issue with 'registration' procedure as there is  no more the challenge 
of authentication for the registration.

>From the Bono log, I saw that there is the following line,
"20-10-2016 07:39:33.304 UTC Info pjutils.cpp:389: Adding 
integrity-protected=ip-assoc-yes indicator to message"

which is, I suppose, the reason why sprout node doesn't authenticate:
"20-10-2016 07:49:02.911 UTC Info authentication.cpp:771: SIP Digest 
authenticated request integrity protected by edge proxy
20-10-2016 07:49:02.911 UTC Debug authentication.cpp:868: Request does not need 

What is the configuration to disable the 'integrity-protected=ip-assoc-yes' on 
Bono node?

Best regards,



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