I had missed to notice this in ellis heat log. I think this is the culprit.

+ sudo 
command not found

Anyway, I did below to upload shared_config. Commands seem to have changed with 
latest release.

[ellis]ubuntu@ellis-0:/var/log$ cw-config download shared_config
shared_config downloaded to 

File was same as ellis shared_config file.  I had to modify it with a dummy 
change of putting dots in a comment line as upload command was detecting no 

[ellis]ubuntu@ellis-0:/var/log$ cw-config upload shared_config
Config successfully validated
Configuration file change: user ubuntu has modified shared_config.
Lines removed:
"# Deployment definitions"
Lines added:
"# Deployment definitions.."

Please check the config changes and confirm that you wish to continue with the 
config upload.
Do you want to continue?  [yes/no] yes
shared_config successfully uploaded

[ellis]ubuntu@ellis-0:/var/log$ cw-check_restart_queue_state
Describing the current queue state for apply_config_ellis
  Nodes currently queued:
    Node ID:, Node status: processing

[ellis]ubuntu@ellis-0:/var/log$ cw-check_restart_queue_state
Describing the current queue state for apply_config_ellis
  No nodes are currently queued

[sprout]ubuntu@0:~$ cw-check_restart_queue_state
Describing the current queue state for apply_config_sprout
  No nodes are currently queued

After this, if I download shared_config on sprout, I get the 'empty' file only 
in /home/ubuntu/clearwater-config-manager/ubuntu directory. So clearly sprout 
is not receiving the shared_config from cluster. Same is the case with bono, 
homestead etc.

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 5:48 PM
To: clearwater@lists.projectclearwater.org
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Hi Ying,

[ellis]ubuntu@ellis-0:/etc/clearwater$ sudo cw-upload config shared_confg
sudo: cw-upload: command not found

Then tried below command as per  

[ellis]ubuntu@ellis-0:/etc/clearwater$ sudo cw-upload_shared_config
sudo: cw-upload_shared_config: command not found

Am I missing anything ?

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Ying Huang
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Hi Kebar,

Yes as you noticed, the scscf uri is wrong and sprout uri isn't getting set 
either. This is because your nodes are missing shared_config. The shared_config 
on your Ellis looks right, so just run "sudo cw-upload config shared_confg" 
(detailed instruction here 
 to upload it to etcd cluster for other nodes to pick up. Then run 
"cw-check_restart_queue_state" on different types of nodes several times to see 
the nodes restarting one by one to pick up the changes. If something goes wrong 
here, we know the shared_config isn't being picked up correctly.


From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: 20 December 2017 11:27
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests


I have attached sprout_current.txt, which has some debug statements . I think 
that is giving some pointers.

My guess is /etc/clearwater/local_config (or some other appropriate config 
file) should have variables set for hostnames which are referred while 
composing these URLs.
e.g sip:scscf.;transport=TCP should be 
sip:scscf.<hostname<sip:scscf.%3chostname> of scscf>;transport=TCP

I will try is this direction..

Debug utils.cpp:405: Malformed host/port
Debug utils.cpp:405: Malformed host/port
Info main.cpp:1265: Sprout hostname set to
Info main.cpp:1243: S-CSCF node URI set to
Info main.cpp:1851: scscf enabled on 5054
Info main.cpp:1851: scscf prefix set to scscf
Info main.cpp:1851: scscf uri set to sip:scscf.;transport=TCP
Info main.cpp:1851: icscf enabled on 5052
Info main.cpp:1851: icscf prefix set to icscf
Info main.cpp:1851: icscf uri set to sip:icscf.;transport=TCP
Info main.cpp:1851: memento prefix set to memento
Info main.cpp:1851: memento uri set to sip:memento.;transport=TCP
Info main.cpp:1851: mangelwurzel prefix set to mangelwurzel
Info main.cpp:1851: mangelwurzel uri set to sip:mangelwurzel.;transport=TCP
Info main.cpp:1851: gemini prefix set to gemini
Info main.cpp:1851: gemini uri set to sip:gemini.;transport=TCP
Info main.cpp:1851: cdiv prefix set to cdiv
Info main.cpp:1851: cdiv uri set to sip:cdiv.;transport=TCP
Info main.cpp:1851: mmtel enabled on 5055
Info main.cpp:1851: mmtel prefix set to mmtel
Info main.cpp:1851: mmtel uri set to sip:mmtel.;transport=TCP
Info main.cpp:1851: bgcf enabled on 5053
Info main.cpp:1851: bgcf prefix set to bgcf
Info main.cpp:1851: bgcf uri set to sip:bgcf.;transport=TCP
Warning main.cpp:1855: SAS server option was invalid or not configured - SAS is 
Error main.cpp:1894: S/I-CSCF enabled with no Homestead server

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Hi Ying,

After changing log level to 5 on sprout, we need to restart sprout service, 
right ?
In my case, sprout service is not running.

I guess for this, I need to change the heat template to create user_settings 
file with log level 5.

[sprout]ubuntu@0:/var/log/sprout$ service sprout status
* sprout is not running

[sprout]ubuntu@0:/var/log/sprout$ ps -ef |grep sprout
ubuntu    8475  7053  0 04:53 pts/5    00:00:00 grep --color=auto sprout
root     10876     1  0 Dec18 ?        00:04:44 
/usr/share/clearwater/bin/clearwater-queue-manager --local-ip= 
--local-site=site1 --log-level=3 
--pidfile=/var/run/clearwater-queue-manager.pid --etcd-key=clearwater 
--node-type=sprout --wait-plugin-complete=Y
root     11042     1  0 Dec18 ?        00:04:41 
/usr/share/clearwater/bin/clearwater-cluster-manager --mgmt-local-ip= 
--sig-local-ip= --local-site=site1 --remote-site= 
--remote-cassandra-seeds= --signaling-namespace= 
--uuid=535133a6-cb33-44b0-9a36-9da6e47ae280 --etcd-key=clearwater 
--etcd-cluster-key=sprout --cluster-manager-enabled=Y --log-level=3 

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Ying Huang
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Hi Kedar,

Looks like a complicated situation to me. As far as I can see,

  1.  You should use log_level=5 to get more detailed logging
  2.  No the shared config shouldn't be the empty default template, this is an 
  3.  What you said about IP sounds suspicious, as one of the log file says 
"Failed to resolve icscf. to an IP address"

Must be frustrating to encounter errors everywhere. Shall we focus on the 
Sprout process and see why it fails. Would you please set log_level=5 in 
/etc/clearwater/user_settings on Sprout node and send a complete 


From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: 18 December 2017 14:00
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests


6 continued.

6-a. bono errors attached for log locations mentioned in troubleshooting page. 
I tried stopping bono service. It got started by monit but same errors continue.
6-b. sprout errors attached for log locations mentioned in troubleshooting 
page. Sprout service is not running, so didn't try to stop to let me restart by 
6-c. /var/log/ellis/ellis-err.log is empty.
        /var/log/ellis/ellis_<time>.txt has these entries INFO web.py:1447: 200 
GET /ping ( 0.53ms.
        I tried stopping ellis service. It got started by monit but don't see 
anything changed.
       /var/log/monit.log errors attached.

Appreciate any help here !

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Hi Adam, Ying,

  1.  When I said shared_config is empty on sprout instances, I wanted to say 
that no config statements in it.

[sprout]ubuntu@1:/etc/clearwater$ more shared_config
# No Shared Config has been provided
# Replace this file with the Shared Configuration for your deployment

  1.  /var/log/sprout/sprout_current has these entries periodically.

UTC Status utils.cpp:607: Log level set to 2

UTC Status main.cpp:1618: Access logging enabled to /var/log/sprout

UTC Warning signalhandler.h:90: SIGNAL already hooked

UTC Warning main.cpp:1674: SAS server option was invalid or not configured - 
SAS is disabled

UTC Error main.cpp:1713: S/I-CSCF enabled with no Homestead server

  1.  So is it ok if only one node, that is going to push shared config to 
cluster (ellis in the heat based deployment), to have shared_config file with 
all the configuration and other nodes to have 'empty' file like above ?

  1.  PFA ellis's shared_config attached. I don't find any sproutlet related 
configuration there..OK ? I have attached tail of ellis's heat installation 
log. Looks ok to me. Couldn't find anything suspicious in remaining log file.

  1.  Btw, one thing I should have told this in the beginning - When I tried 
the heat templates as it is, I observed that DNS VM's IP was not being passed 
to all other components. So I ended up carving out DNS VM and instantiated that 
first and used its IP in env file. I could confirm that IP got used by heat 
instructions of other VMs and DNSMASQ on them got configured ok. nslookup for 
components' names also works ok. (may be we need to use wait condition in the 
heat template)

  1.  I am going through troubleshooting options and will update on that.

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Adam Lindley
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

As a few more pointers of where to look, our HEAT templates currently generate 
shared config on the Ellis node, and upload this to the cluster as a whole. It 
would be worth looking at the install log on the ellis node to see if there was 
some error there. You may have the shared_config file present, and be able to 
upload that to the etcd cluster to bring the deployment to life.
If that doesn't give you any joy, make sure that the template install process 
has completed successfully on each of your nodes. It seems odd that 
shared_config has not been generated, and so I'd want to sanity check that 
nothing else is going wrong. If all nodes are installed, but lacking config, 
you should be able to generate shared config based on the script in the 
ellis.yaml file.
As Ying has said, once those things are sorted, you can look in the process 
logs to see why you are hitting errors. Almost all of our components log to 
/var/log/<process_name> on their node, so that's a great place to start 
debugging. You may also find our troubleshooting guide helpful: 


From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Ying Huang
Sent: 15 December 2017 17:54
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Hi Kedar,

Shared config shouldn't be empty. Looks like Sprout process has failed for some 
reason. It's worthwhile checking the sprout log under 
/var/sys/log/sprout/sprout_current or send it over to see what went wrong.


From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: 14 December 2017 14:07
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests


/etc/Clearwater/shared_config is empty on both the sprout instances post 
installation. Is this expected if I want to run sproutlets like ICSCF, SCSCF at 
least ?

Here are couple of commands I tried.

[sprout]ubuntu@0:~$ sudo monit summary
Monit 5.18.1 uptime: 7h 12m
Service Name                     Status                      Type
node-0.sprout.me.cw-ngv.com      Running                     System
sprout_process                   Execution failed | Does...  Process
snmpd_process                    Running                     Process
ntp_process                      Running                     Process
nginx_process                    Running                     Process
memcached_process                Running                     Process
clearwater_queue_manager_pro...  Running                     Process
etcd_process                     Running                     Process
clearwater_diags_monitor_pro...  Running                     Process
clearwater_config_manager_pr...  Running                     Process
clearwater_cluster_manager_p...  Running                     Process
chronos_process                  Running                     Process
astaire_process                  Running                     Process
sprout_uptime                    Wait parent                 Program
poll_sprout_sip                  Wait parent                 Program
poll_sprout_http                 Wait parent                 Program
nginx_ping                       Status ok                   Program
nginx_uptime                     Status ok                   Program
monit_uptime                     Status ok                   Program
memcached_uptime                 Status ok                   Program
poll_memcached                   Status ok                   Program
clearwater_queue_manager_uptime  Status ok                   Program
etcd_uptime                      Status ok                   Program
poll_etcd_cluster                Status ok                   Program
poll_etcd                        Status ok                   Program
chronos_uptime                   Status ok                   Program
poll_chronos                     Status ok                   Program
astaire_uptime                   Status ok                   Program

[sprout]ubuntu@0:~$ service sprout status
* sprout is not running
[sprout]ubuntu@0:~$ sudo service sprout start
14-12-2017 14:06:17.215 UTC Status utils.cpp:496: Switching to daemon mode

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests


I gave a try with release 127 ( repo URL  
http://repo.cw-ngv.com/archive/repo127 in env file). But issues seem to be very 

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Hi Adam, Mike,

Clearwater heat templates on ONAP wiki are put around July 13. Clearwater 
release 127, which is released on May 30th , seems to have been used for 
testing these templates.

If I want to give a try with release 127 installation via heat, how to do that 
? I tried URL http://repo.cw-ngv.com/release-127/binary/Packages in browser, 
but got 404.

From: Kedar Ambekar
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while running live tests

Hi Adam,

Got the point. I had suspected the same.
I have repo_url http://repo.cw-ngv.com/stable in heat's env file.

Is it possible to use same release on which ONAP's heat templates are based, 
may be by changing this repo URL?

I will have a look at current heat template on Clearwater GitHub but I think 
those won't be ONAP compatible.

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Adam Lindley
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Do you know which release you based the templates on?
We should be able to take a look over our release notes between then and now, 
which should give a reasonable view of the changes, and then we can go from 
there. Equally, the commit history 
(https://github.com/Metaswitch/clearwater-heat/commits/stable) gives a fairly 
clear overview of what and why, with the pull requests adding a bit more detail.

Though as we're likely to hit similar problems in future as we continue to 
develop Project Clearwater and our heat templates. Are the ONAP changes 
something we could be pulling in to the main code base? I'd be interested to 
know the extent of the work needed to keep them running

From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Mike Evans
Sent: 12 December 2017 17:00
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests


I put the ONAP templates together, so I'm happy to update them if they won't 
work with the latest Project Clearwater code.  Is there anywhere I can look for 
an explanation of the changes?


From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Adam Lindley
Sent: 12 December 2017 16:41
Subject: Re: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while 
running live tests

Hi Kedar,

I've just had a look around for the templates on the ONAP wiki; I wasn't aware 
they had their own copies of them.
I found 
https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Clearwater+vIMS+Onboarding+and+Instantiation . 
Is this what you've been working from?

When deploying with the templates, have you been specifying a "repo_url" option 
in the arguments? The Clearwater HEAT templates included steps to install the 
Clearwater packages from our public stable repo by default, but the templates 
on the ONAP wiki are now somewhat out of date. If you haven't specified a repo 
containing packages from the same point in time the templates were effectively 
forked, you're going to be hitting conflicts between the code version, and the 
orchestration steps.

I am not sure what differences there need to be for templates to run on ONAP, 
but I can point you towards our current set of heat templates: 
https://github.com/Metaswitch/clearwater-heat/tree/stable . I would suggest you 
try redeploying with these templates, as a fair number of things have changed 
in the code since the templates on the wiki were valid. If you hit any issues, 
do let us know.


From: Clearwater [mailto:clearwater-boun...@lists.projectclearwater.org] On 
Behalf Of Kedar Ambekar
Sent: 12 December 2017 13:46
Subject: [Project Clearwater] 502 Bad Gateway and other errors while running 
live tests


I have installed Clearwater with heat templates (available on ONAP wiki) 
directly on openstack. Appreciate help on below issues.

  1.  When I run Clearwater live tests, all tests fail with below  error.

RuntimeError thrown:

   - Account creation failed with HTTP code 502, body {"status": 502, 
"message": "Bad Gateway", "reason": "Upstream request failed", "detail": 
{"Upstream error": "599", "Upstream URL": "None"}, "error": true}

  1.  ps for bono process shows this.

[bono]ubuntu@0:/etc/clearwater$ ps -ef |grep bono

bono 6897 1 0 05:06 ? 00:00:11 /usr/share/clearwater/bin/bono --domain= 
--localhost=,0.bono.me.cw-ngv.com --al 
ias=,0.bono.me.cw-ngv.com, --pcscf=5060,5058 --webrtc-port=5062 
--routing-proxy=icscf.,5052,50,600 --sas=,b...@0.bono.me.cw-ngv.com 
--dns-server= --worker-threads=2 --analytics=/var/log/bono 
--log-file=/var/log/bono --log-level=2 --daemon --pidfile=/var/run/bono/bono.pid

  1.  In bono, I saw these logs.

 UTC Error sip_connection_pool.cpp:190: Failed to resolve icscf. to an IP 
address - Not found (PJ_ENOTFOUND)

UTC Warning dnscachedresolver.cpp:828: Failed to retrieve record for icscf.: 
Domain name not found

  1.  To debug above issues, I ended up making these changes in 
/etc/init.d/bono and restarted bono service.

DAEMON_ARGS="--domain=me.cw-ngv.com  (instead of -domain=$home_domain)

upstream_hostname=icscf.sprout.me.cw-ngv.com (instead of 

  1.  But now, I get below error in bono. Port 5052 is not in listen mode on 

UTC Warning pjsip: tcpc0x7f90cc07 TCP connect() error: Connection refused 
UTC Warning pjsip: tcpc0x7f90cc07 Unable to connect to <sprout ip>:5052
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