Hi Prabhakaran,

Sorry you are still having problems.

The config you have for the WebRTC looks OK according to 

You haven't said what WebRTC client you are using. The first thing to check is 
that you are using a browser that supports your client. The sipml5 demo using 
websockets, we have found that calls do not work when we use Chrome, but they 
do work with recent versions of Firefox.

The second thing that I would look at is whether the websocket request is 
reaching Bono. I suggest running a packet capture on Bono e.g. using tcpdump, 
then checking to see whether the packets are making it through your network. 
You should be able to filter on port 5062. If nothing shows up, then it is 
worth checking that your firewall is configured correctly. If that does not 
identify the problem, can you send us debug logs from Bono showing a call? You 
can find instructions for setting the log level to 5 at 

I hope that helps.


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