Hello guys!

I managed to workaround this issue, but I don't believe it should be the
best solution since it involves a manual modification.

Basically, the fix involves adding the full FQDN for Homestead and Homer
directly on the /etc/hosts file inside Ellis's pod. It looks like Ellis
have some trouble making REST calls and thus the error are shown inside the
web console itself. The solution itself isn't the best because in the event
of scaling Ellis or it being recreated, the fix still needs to be applied.

I won't go further as it fixed the issue on my end. I'm leaving this here
as a way for others to go around the issue if they got stuck like I was.


Le mer. 12 juin 2019 à 02:04, Pateau, Isaac <isaac.patea...@etsmtl.net> a
écrit :

> Hello everyone!
> I am currently an intern at NTT and I have been trying to get a Clearwater
> cluster working on Kubernetes using the Clearwater-Docker repo from GitHub.
> With some workarounds from these two archived messages below, I have been
> able to get all my pods running:
> http://lists.projectclearwater.org/pipermail/clearwater_lists.projectclearwater.org/2018-May/003980.html
> https://github.com/Metaswitch/clearwater-docker/issues/81#issuecomment-345677402
> However, I do currently have an issue similar to the one found below:
> http://lists.projectclearwater.org/pipermail/clearwater_lists.projectclearwater.org/2013-July/000919.html
> Ellis is indeed able to ping Homestead, but I still am not able to create
> a user. (Having the "Failed to update server" issue) Phone numbers were
> also created correctly.
> What is different though is that the configuration in
> /etc/clearwater/shared_config seems to have the correct DNS entries and
> using the a curl to the hs_provisionning pod returns me a "OK" response. I
> also am able to do an ICMP ping from the Ellis pod to all the other ones
> without any problem.
> I am open to any suggestions that you might have.
> Regards,
> Isaac
Clearwater mailing list

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