
I agree with your comments. This kind of information scares me. The people in this 
article come off very badly and are likely to discredit the whole antiwar movement 
because of their actions. I'm all for
civil disobedience, but breaking and entering is still a crime. These people need to 
be careful what they do.

Peace to you and yours,

Frank H. Andorka Jr.

Brian Douglas wrote:

> (Sorry if this comes thru twice, my mail server reported an error)
> An article by Michelle Goldberg at Salon today outlines several
> anti-war organizations' plans of action if and when the war starts.
> More importantly, she also examines how some of these plans may end up
> working against the anti-war movement and even the Iraqi people.  You
> can read the full article here:
> While I don't believe that the anti-war movement should roll-over and
> die the day the war starts, I do think that any actions taken should be
> extremely well-thought out.  With the mainstream media being the
> obedient conservative lap-dog that it is, it's important to minimize
> any action's susceptibility to media spin as possible.  Here's a
> perfect example from the Salon article showing how media spin of
> protests in the 60's backfired on the anti-war movement:
> > That's just what Paul Berman fears. Berman, author of the recent book
> > "Terror and Liberalism," is a veteran of the '60s peace movement and
> > an opponent of the Bush administration, but he believes no good can
> > come of war opponents rampaging through the streets. "This is just
> > going to create a real crisis within the country," he says. "It's a
> > completely destructive thing to do."
> >
> >  He's done it, and now believes that the days of rage he participated
> > in during the '60s helped prolong the Vietnam War. "At the time I did
> > some of that myself and thought it was doing good, but now it's
> > apparent to me that all that stuff just fell into a trap laid by
> > Richard Nixon," he says. "That kind of stuff allowed Nixon to win in
> > 1968 and again in 1972, and a Democratic president would surely have
> > withdrawn sooner. And so in effect, although it's painful to say so, I
> > think that kind of stuff had the effect of prolonging the war. It
> > played into Nixon's hands. There were famous scenes where Nixon
> > specifically ordered that his entourage drive through streets where he
> > knew he'd be attacked by demonstrators because he wanted the right
> > scenes to appear on TV. He presented it to the public: You had to
> > choose between Richard Nixon or some long-haired marijuana-smoking
> > lunatic communist. Guess what. The public chose Nixon."
> Brian Douglas
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Frank H. Andorka Jr.
Managing Editor
7500 Old Oak Blvd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Fax: 440-891-2675

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