Sorry missed a dot; here's the site to view pictures of the woman who
was killed by the US/Israeli tractor.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Re: [Fwd: Extinguishing the Torch: The Immigration
Crackdown Post 9/11]
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 19:41:34 -0800
From: "Yasser Abdel-Aziz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Don Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You can see recent photos of today's incident and other recent
incidents in Palestine at

----- Original Message -----
From: Don Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Yasser Abdel-Aziz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 22:00:14 -0500
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Extinguishing the Torch: The Immigration Crackdown
Post 9/11]

Yasser Abdel-Aziz wrote:
> Hi Don,
> War may be few days or few hours away. I pray Allah that it won't be at
> all.
> In all cases, and on behalf on my community, I really would like to
> salute you and the people like you who were so steadfast against this
> war, for peace, for civil rights and for justice.
> I wish I could have few hours extra each day or a day or two extra each
> week, to keep the pace with the activities you are holding here and
> there.
> However, I am busy preparing the next generation who may be more able to
> defend their rights and oppose injustice.
> We will stay not far from the effort and will join in as much as we
> could.
> The picture may seem so dark today. Preparations for an unjust war by
> the most powerful nation against one of the poorest are taking place.
> No proof was provided to make the case of the war.
> The entire world, dozens and dozens of nations, for the entire time in
> history are uprising in peaceful demonstrations opposing the war. The
> guy with the gun doesn't want to listen.
> Today I heard about another brave American woman who were smashed under
> an Israeli bulldozer she was trying to stop from destroying some
> Palestinian homes.
> Every day, they kill a smash a dozen of Palestinian men, women and
> children. They bomb homes and burn tress and garden. They arrest dozens
> of Palestinians where they go to where no body knows where, and they
> never come back.
> Thousands and thousands are being incarcerated by the occupation army.
> The US never called that terrorism. Never called it crimes against
> humanity.
> They only used the Veto 35 times against UN resolutions condemning the
> Israeli aggression. Last time was last December after the Jenin Massacre
> when the UN wanted just to condemn Israel. Just condemning not even
> calling for an embargo or sanctions. Even a condemnation is not allowed.
> 35 times.
> The US says about Iraq it breached 6 UN resolutions.
> Does not recall dozens of Israeli resolutions "condemning" Israel.
> US economy is in worst state.
> The house is discussing raising aid to Israel by 12$ billions. To fight
> Palestinian terrorism.
> The President  calls Sharon, a man of Peace.
> Sharon says about Bush; best supporter to Israel.
> The only nation that will benefit from such a war. Not even the US. Not
> even the UK or Spain. Israel!
> In a post Iraqi war. US will convince its new allied Iraqi government to
> receive millions of Palestinians who will be transferred from their land
> and homes to Iraq. For the region to be in Peace.
> In a post Iraqi war, there may be new terrorist attacks against US
> interests. This will make Americans more convinced of helping Israel
> fighting against "Palestinian Terrorism".
> Now that Iraq is gone. Israel can start invade new countries to achieve
> the dream of Greater Israel as it is sketched on Israeli currency. From
> the Nile to the Euphrates.
> Every body was surprised of the President short speech about the
> Palestinian-Israeli conflict on Friday. I wasn't. It's all planned my
> friend.
> Could the UN speak out at that time? Could any people on earth
> demonstrate or rally against it? If it doesn't work today, it won't work
> tomorrow.
> I believe the Peace movement should never despair. Should continue on
> and on until the President finds himself few months away from elections
> and 10 millions shouting outside of the white house.
> I hope that an incident such as what happened today in Gaza to that
> brave young woman, could be a trigger to wake up American people about
> the real danger which is there. For them and for everybody else.
> Most people are good people but most of them don't know. Let's have them
> know.
> Yasser
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Bryant [mailto:<A HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>]
> Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:49 PM
> To: Cathy Podojil; Greg Coleridge; Walt Nicholes; David Berenson;
> Revolution Books--Cleveland; Joan Whelan; Kate Sopko; Rhonda Y.
> Williams; Lee 1Thompson; <A HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>; <A
> <A 
> HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&">[EMAIL
>  PROTECTED]</A>; <A HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action
=compose&">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>;
> <A HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&
&">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>; Yasser Abdel-Aziz;
> Donnelly; Farrell Brody; Shakir Ghazi; Nasreen Ghazi; Bill Swain; Cheryl
> Weinstein; Marc Rose; Martha Grevatt; Mark Rodney; Anne Hill; Pepe;
> Scott Barth; Joe Jencks; Lynn Jencks; David Wilder; Brian Fry; Jane
> Donnell; Kristopher Waller; RJ; Molly Wieser; Patrick; Deb WRUW;
> mohammadassar; peterdil; s.robinson; Blue Triangle Network; Dima S.
> Almoamin; Larry NOAC; Lois Romanoff; carol fisher; Nina McLellan;
> Souhail Kassabri; Linda Park; JULIE Candela; John Ewing; Monika Forkert;
> malka khan; Tony Prince; Morrie Dietrich
> Subject: [Fwd: Extinguishing the Torch: The Immigration Crackdown Post
> 9/11]
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Extinguishing the Torch: The Immigration Crackdown Post 9/11
> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 17:05:57 -0500
> From: <A 
> HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&">[EMAIL 
> Reply-To: <<A 
> HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&">[EMAIL 
> To: <<A HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&to=donmarlin%40core.
> Tuesday, March 25, 7:30 PM
> Max Wohl Civil Liberties Center
> 4506 Chester Ave., Cleveland
> The current administration's fierce attacks on civil liberties have
> continued for more than a year now, and no group has fared worse than
> immigrants.
> On Tuesday, March 25, join the ACLU of Ohio for a talk by Attorney
> David
> Leopold entitled "Extinguishing the Torch: The Immigration Crackdown
> Post
> 9/11."  Leopold will discuss the detrimental impact that the
> immigration
> crackdown has had on immigrants' rights.
> For more information and to R.S.V.P. please call (216) 472-2220 or
> email
> <A HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&
> If you wish to be removed from this email list, send a message to
> <A HREF="/webemail/epostalservice.cgi?action=compose&
may i send your letter to the Blue triangle list?


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