To all: Somehow, a post has been making the rounds that credits Monty Python 
co-founder John Cleese with a satire entitled "Axis of Just as Evil", or some 
paraphrase. Cleese is brilliant as a writer and performer, and co-Python 
Terry Jones has written some wonderful pieces about U.S. foreign policy, but 
the author of the piece being circulated is Andrew Marlatt, whose website, is still up, though it's not being updated currently. 
Marlatt wrote the Axis of Evil piece shortly after the resident's State of 
the Union speech in 2002. You can find it in the list of articles on the 
website. Please, if you forward the piece, and it is worth reading, give 
credit where it's due. And if anyone knows the origin of the misunderstanding 
involving John Cleese, can you let me know.    Cathie

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