Proclaim your support for peace! Lawn signs can
be obtained for $10 froma Michigan Peace Group.
If enough orders are received, they will be
sentin bulk to Cleveland, and will be distributed
by Women for Racial andEconomic Equality and
Peace Action.  Otherwise, they will be
shippedindividually.  The signs have PEACE on one
side and NO War on heother. The background is
blue and the lettering white--very simple, very
visible. They are attached to a wire frame.  In
this time, when acontinual, unjust war is being
threatened by those who hold the power todestroy,
many of us feel the need to clearly make known
our desire forpeace.  To ordr, send a check for
$10 to: Ann Arbor AreaCommittee for Peace, P.O.
Box 130074,
Ann Arbor MI 48113-0074

Valerie Countway Robinson
3334 Berkeley Ave. 
Cleveland Hts OH 44118

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The Cleveland Non-Violence Network is the listserve of activists in the Cleveland area 
committed to a non-violent, justice-based response to terrorism and promoting peace 
nationally and internationally.

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Wendy  Johnson
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