the letter below, especially toward the end of it, is helpful.
peace, Dee++++
--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Last night President Bush notified Iraqi people that their LIBERATION was
hand.  Invocation of liberty rang false for those who were informed.  The
United Nations projects Iraqi civilian deaths and injuries requiring
hospitalization at half a million.  More to die later from starvation and
effects of polluted water.  The "Shock and Awe" battle plan the
Administration contemplates for Iraq will constitute, ipso facto, a war

For democracy to work, the people need the truth.  At the URL below,
Zunes applies truth testing to the President's national address of March

First read the Zunes analysis.  Then read the offering below by Robert
Rabbin -- to keep
difficult issues in perspective

Come now, let us set things right,
says the Lord:
Though your sins be like scarlet,
they may become white as snow;
Though they be crimson red,
they may become white as wool.  Isaiah 1: 18-19


Dear Mr. Bush,

Yesterday I attended the peace rally at the Civic Center in San
along with about 250,000 other people, as diverse a group of human beings
could be found anywhere in the world. I wish you could have been there.

You were, as you might suspect, a central topic of conversation. Your
picture was on wide display, though not always in the most flattering of
ways. Had you been there, you would have heard many people denounce you
for your foreign policy (and for your domestic policies as well). I do
denounce you.

You would have heard many people express their anger and outrage towards
you and your administration. I am not angry nor outraged.

You would have heard people criticize and condemn you for your implacable
stand for war with Iraq. I do not criticize or condemn you.

Had you been there, you might have felt that many people even hated you.
But I do not hate you-even though you stand alone-belligerent and
defiant-against the United Nations, against the will and good judgment of
the people of the United States, against the will and good judgment of
people of all other nations in the world, against prudence, against
reason, against every sacred impulse to preserve life, against the united
>voices of religious leaders who are the emissaries of wisdom...even
you stand alone against all of this I do not hate you.

I love you and I thank you, for you have shown me who is truly
and culpable for the current state of affairs. It is not you, nor your
administration. Though it would be easy to make a case against you for
bullying the world toward World War III, for threatening all prospects of
a peaceful and prosperous future for not just our nation but for all
nations, I will not do so.

You are not to blame. I am. Not you. Me. This is what you have shown me,
and for this I love you and thank you. You have awakened me to my own
responsibility for these gathering storm clouds of misery and calamity.

Here is what you have taught me: When I should have been awake, I was
asleep. When I should have been involved, I was apathetic. When I should
have been paying attention, I was distracted. When I should have been
concerned, I was disinterested. When I should have spoken up, I was
silent. When I should have been active, I was passive. When I should have
stood tall, I crouched meekly. This is what you have taught me.

You have also reminded me of the core teaching of all spiritual
and paths: We are all One being, connected and interdependent, sharing
same soul of light and love. From this view, the truth of which is
confirmed by my personal experience, you are my own self. How can I blame
you? When I look at you, I see myself.

It is not a self I want to see, but there it is. When I see myself in
I become ashamed, even fearful, for I see how easily I could forget
everything I have learned in 30 years of spiritual study and practice.
remind me of who I was, one who had lost his living connection to love.
And I am reminded of how without love there is no empathy; and without
empathy, there is no feeling; and without feeling, one could plan to send
800 cruise missiles into the cribs and carriages of young children whose
names and faces do not exist except as pinpoints on a map, how one could
want to launch a horror the likes of which have never been seen on this
Earth, how one could simply push away all good and wise counsel with the
brutal hand of military might married to arrogance and ignorance, how one
could justify unleashing a firestorm of death on a country, half of whose
population is under 15 years of age. Though your motives are clear and
indisputable-revenge, imperialism, and profit-these are not the true

You have helped me remember that I am to live what I know, that I am to
love the world in real and telling ways. You have helped me awaken from
apathy with a ferocious passion for life. You have touched something deep
within me, you have aroused something that is almost fearsome to
behold--it is the power of love, too long forgotten and betrayed. But not
now, and I pray not ever again, will I forget or betray love.

And with this awakened and aroused passionate power of love I intend to
stop you. So, I want you to know that I am coming for you, now that you
have shown me that you are a part of my own self still steeped in
forgetfulness and ignorance. I am coming for you, but not with anger or
hate or blame. I am coming for you with love. I am going to bring you
into my greater Self, the one that could never, ever-not in a billion
years-think up the things you have thought up. I am coming for you.

One more thing. Do not underestimate the power of love. Do not add this
mistake to the long and growing list of mistakes you have already made.
not think love is weak, or passive, or fearful. Love created the
Love is a power louder than missiles, more powerful than fear, more
conquering than hate. Love cannot be stopped, but you can be. And you
be, because I am coming to stop you with love.

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