But what does "not accepting this atrocity" mean? It has to mean more than protesting in the streets. It must mean getting the aroused masses to ORGANIZE to take back the government. This means a lot of hard, hard work. It means more than finding good candidates even - somehow the American people have to be educated not to believe everything that comes from corporate/government dominated media or they just vote for the money machine. It means breaking the trance of the enormously distracting messages that bombard us every day - buy this, buy that, see this movie, buy this CD. I'm not speaking against entertainment - I'm speaking against Entertainment that becomes a lifestyle, a reason for living. We re against war, but to achieve peace requires a very demanding shift in everything in our lives - it isn't just protest on Monday and go back to your usual life....

At 04:58 PM 3/21/2003 -0800, stop war wrote:

from the Not in Our Name Project <http://www.notinourname.net>www.notinourname.net


The people answered the U.S. Government's attack on Iraq with a huge wave of protest around the world that continues today. From every continent the people have spoken: We will not fall in line with this outrage against the Iraqi people and all of humanity and we are determined to stop it! U.S. embassies had to close because of angry protests at their gates. And here in the U.S. the actions of tens of thousands resulted in No Business as Usual across the country. Most notably, in San Francisco over 1500 were arrested as they shut down the city, with people stepping forward all day from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. to fill the streets as earlier groups of protestors were hauled to jail.

In Chicago, thousands took over Lake Shore Drive. In New York City, police
barricades were broken through and thousands filled two solid blocks south
of 42nd Street, tying up Times Square traffic for two hours. People in city
after city spoke with their voices and their bodies: We Do Not Want This War
and We Mean It!  And everywhere the youth: walking out of high schools and
off college campuses with their glorious passion and righteous anger, full
of determination to stop this murderous war and fight for another, better

The U.S. has launched its preemptive war on Iraq. But the people are not
being silenced! This is not being done with our consent! (Heard in
different words on radio interviews.)  "I walked out with my students
today!" (A teacher speaking in NYC's Union Square at 12 noon.) "This is one
of the most worthwhile things I have ever done with my life ."(A 54-year-old
teacher as he sat in a San Francisco intersection handcuffed by the police.)

The people learned together how to "cross the line" and step up resistance.
And now that massive bombing of Baghdad has begun, we must take those
lessons, spread them throughout society, and take our resistance to still
greater heights of breadth, daring, creativity and determination. In the
days ahead we must show the would-be emperors, now standing naked in all
their viciousness and illegitimacy, that the people will not stop until we
have stopped this war and their entire war on the world.

In the words of the Not in Our Name Pledge of Resistance,
Another world is possible and we pledge to make it real!

"As people living in the United States, it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government, in our names...Another world is possible, and we pledge to make it real."

Not in Our Name <http://www.notinourname.net>www.notinourname.net

Cleveland info <http://www.geocities.com/nion_cleveland>www.geocities.com/nion_cleveland

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