An article on Common Dreams, from the Washington Post, notes that the CIA had 
warned the Bush administration that the forged documents about Saddam's 
nuclear program were indeed forgeries.  Bush and company went ahead and 
presented the forgeries as evidence.

It seems worth asking, if they had real evidence, why would they resort to 
forged evidence?

Or is it just that concerns about WMD's were never a real factor in planning 
this "war of choice."

By the way, as nearly as I can tell, the term "war of choice" goes back to 
one of Israel's invasions of Lebanon in the 80s (Operation Peace in Galilee, 
sounds remarkably like Operation Iraqi Freedom.)  The term was, apparently, 
coined by Menachem Begin.

I'm a new member to this list, hope this post is in keeping with its spirit.

Terry Provost

2454 Professor Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44113
(216) 687-0703

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