Dear friends,

The people of the world have answered the US government's attacks on Iraq with a huge wave of protest, which continues every day.  From every continent the people have spoken:  We will not fall in line with this outrage against the Iraqi people and all of humanity and we are determined to stop it!

In Cleveland, we continue to protest every day, between 4-6pm at Public Square.  Join us!  For a full list of events, go to  Below is a list of urgent, updated events:

Wednesday, March 26  Support the youth arrested Monday night for the crime of marching against the war, 8:30am arraignment at the Justice Center, Courtroom 3C

Thursday, March 27  Support the Cleveland Anti-War Resistors!  5 people were arrested for forming a human chain by the West Side Market last Saturday.  Come to a rally at the Justice Center (Ontario & St. Clair) 8am, then come inside to the arraignment at 9am, courtroom 3C.  Read stories and see photos of the protest at

Friday, March 28 Protest the war! Shut down downtown!  Not In Out Name Youth Network anti-war rally and march on Public Square, meet at 3:00, with the march beginning around 4:00

Let the war-makers know there will be no business-as-usual in Cleveland!
Let's join with the people of San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, Spain, Great
Britain, France, Palestine, Egypt, Italy and every corner of the globe, to
say "no" to this atrocious war and "yes" to a world where innocent people
don't die for power and oil! Let's show the world that Cleveland, OH, is
against the war!  for more info and to download fliers:  

Saturday, March 29  Not in Our Name Meeting, 7pm at the Catholic Worker House, 3601 Whitman to discuss what we need to do next, including plans for a National anti-war Moratorium to be announced soon. Come with your friends, ideas, etc.  Volunteers urgently needed to help with various projects.  Directions from Fulton and Lorain Ave (on the near West Side): go north on Fulton from Lorain, just past Bridge Ave (the first light).  Make a left just past Bridge onto Woodbine.  Woodbine becomes a V--stay on the left and that's Whitman--you'll see a big blue house on the left, and you've made it!


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