We are currently planning the Good Friday Way of the Cross procession, to
begin at noon on Friday, April 18th, and we would like your help.

The procession format will be essentially similar to last year:

- Seven stops, each stop commemorating events in Jesus' walk to the cross.
Each stop would be at a downtown location which in some way would remind us
that this walk happens every day, now, to those who are oppressed and
suffering, especially in times of active warfare.
- At each stop, there would be a calling out of the event/station, followed
by a reading, scriptural or other, related to the way of the cross and to
that particular station.  The reading would then be followed by a reflection
/ presentation / dramatization of our present day walk to the cross,
including the relevance of the particular location.
- Our general theme at each stop is "The Cost of War."  This cost could be
revealed in any number of viewpoints, i.e. the suffering of the innocents,
the waste/misallocation of resources, the spiritual poverty of a nation
fixated on weaponry etc etc etc
- Each stop would then close with a common litany or song, and we would
process to the next stop.
- Each stop would take approximately 10 minutes.
- We would prefer to start and finish at Public Square.

The stops/stations are:
1 - Jesus is condemned and takes up his cross;
2 - Jesus falls the first time. He meets his mother;
3 - Simon helps carry the cross.  Veronica wipes Jesus' face;
4 - Jesus falls a second time. He meets the women of Jerusalem;
5 - Jesus falls a third time.  He is stripped;
6 - Jesus is crucified and dies.
7 - Jesus is taken from the cross and laid in the tomb.

So how can you help?  Well, we need presenters/reflectors.  If you have an
idea and/or a location for one of the stops, or if you are interested in
coordinating one of the stops, please let us know.  You could pick the
place, the reading, the message etc.  E-mail your ideas, preferences,
commitments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   We'll take ideas and volunteers until around
April 11th, at which point we'll need to coordinate a firm plan.  If you do
not contact us by then, we just may come looking for you . . . .


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