March 27, 2003 Check out this article from today's Washington Post. It is remarkable how different the BBC's reporting is from that of the US networks. I noticed that first while watching the BBC stories which ABC ran in first 48 hrs of the war.

And check out today's Plain Dealer, whose abundant
color photos seem to portray the US/British armies
as some sort of Doctors Without Borders.

Jim Miller

To view the entire article, go to

The 'Beeb' in Their Bonnet

Washington Post
27 March 2003

 By Howard Kurtz
 "Be patient, Saddam Hussein said today, victory is near," the anchor intoned.

Moments later, the camera lingered on a huge pile of rubble. "The Iraqis say this is -- or was -- a girls' school at Basra," the anchor said.

The woman narrating the news is Lyse Doucet, who works for "BBC World," a global broadcast whose tone is so different from that of the American networks that it sometimes seems to be examining a different war.

The key, BBC News Director Richard Sambrook says from London, is "not having a particular country's agenda or values at the forefront of what we're doing. We try to take an international approach to the news, to a greater extent than any of the U.S. nets. We try to build in a perspective from other Arab countries."

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