A group of Americans who have been to Palestine to work with the International Solidarity Movement will be in town on Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12. All four members have worked with the Palestinian nonviolent resistance to the Israeli Occupation and have stories to tell of courage and heartbreak. A Jewish American on the tour will talk about being Jewish and against the occupation. A Palestinian American hip-hop artist will perform. The group will also show a short film shot in Palestine last year and engage in Q & A with the audience. Try to make it for one of these dates:

Friday, April 11, at 7 PM at the St. Joseph Center, 3430 Rocky River Drive on the west side of Cleveland (1/2 mile north of Kamm's Corners - don't turn at the light - that's St. Joseph's Academy. Turn at the next drive north without a light.)

Saturday, April 12, at 1:30 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church, 16400 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood (across from the Lakewood Theater).

Would people please send this to their personal networks, but not CNVN, nor What's Up, nor Al-Awda. Thanks, Cathie
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