Subj:    Fwd: [roundheadwatch] NBC / MSNBC FIRES PETER ARNETT
Date:   04/01/2003 3:22:24 AM Eastern Standard Time

Getting the information / news out is not always an easy task, especially if
you are a journalist in a hostile environment like Iraq, and reporting that
news from behind the opposition's lines, like Peter Arnett has been doing.Put 
yourself in the shoes of a journalist working behind the opposition's
lines for a moment.  To get the best news and information becomes a matter
of give and take.  On one side of the slate a journalist takes the news, and
Arnett has been taking the news from behind the opposition's lines without
much restriction from Baghdad, and distributing that news to those who hired
him to do so.  Then there is the other side of the slate, the give.  At some
point a journalist has to give the opposition whose lines the journalist is
operating behind, something back in return for them being there.  In this
case it was an interview for Iraqi TV.  And what does the opposition want to
hear?  What they want to hear from the journalist, is their side of the
story.  It's called a trade off, and a good journalist does it quite a bit;
if they didn't resort to this practice then the journalists wouldn't get the
news and the stories they are there to get in the first place.
Imagine what would have happened to Arnett if he had shoved his middle
finger in the face of the opposition and said, "Hell No!"  Arnett was not
working alone, he had to think about the precious lives of those who were
working with him, and that is the first and foremost consideration of a good
journalist -- those who are working with them.
So the firing of Arnett brings up a question that in this case must be
considered.  Who is really controlling the media and the way the information
from the media is being slanted?  The firing of Arnett, of course was done
at the insistance of the powers-that-be, who in affect have taken over
control of the media outlets in the United States and elsewhere, and
effectively turned those media outlets into propoganda tools for their own
purposes; very much like Iraq has been doing to it's own media outlets.
Is mainstream media really free [Freedom of the Press] anymore?  No, they
are not.  The mainstream media outlets in the United States, especially FOX,
have become nothing more than propaganda tools [State Run Media] for the
elitist controllers who want the public to hear only what is proper and
considered as approved material by the powers-that-be.
If anyone still believes Freedom of the Press is alive and well within
mainstream media -- think again -- it is not. [I interviewed for a UPI
correspondents position in 1977 and declined the job offer when I discovered
the puppet strings that came with the job.]  That is one of the primary
reason that I started these alternative news groups [Earthchanges and
Roundheadwatch], so people everywhere would have another view / slant of the
news and information, and one that is free of the elitist controllers, and
this is one of the reasons that I take donations for what I do.  I want this
service to be available to all; for those who can afford a small
subscription or donation, and for those who can't.I have been sick with a 
flare-up of some acute medical problems for several days now, and I should be 
in bed and not sitting here doing this, but where am I; here, doing what I 
love best, writing a commentary and getting the news and the information out.
For those who would like to make a small donation or monthly subscription to
aid in the effort of what I continue to do, you can snail mail a donation or
subscription to:
Sherwood Ensey
HCR 64 Box 17-A
Chimayo, NM  87522

For those wanting to make a small donation or monthly subscription by
electronic means I have an account set up at PayPal
for this purpose:
The account is under:

Thank you.

With that said, on to the Peter Arnett story.



NBC Fires Peter Arnett Over Iraqi TV Interview
Mon Mar 31, 8:38 AM ET
By Mark Wilkinson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American television network NBC said on Monday it had
severed its relations with veteran reporter Peter Arnett after he told Iraqi
television that the U.S. war plan against Saddam Hussein had failed.

"Peter Arnett will no longer be reporting for NBC News and MSNBC," NBC said
in a joint statement with National Geographic, for whom the Pulitzer
prize-winning reporter was also working.

The rest of the story is located at:

June Deborah Meek


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