President Bush Wants to Go It Alone In Post-War Iraq

Tell Congress to Properly Fund the Healing of Iraq and Have the United Nations Manage Reconstruction

(If you are already a member of TrueMajority, you can send a free fax opposing Bush's plan to rebuild Iraq without full United Nations cooperation by just clicking Reply and then Send. Please forward this message to your friends, family and colleagues! If this message was forwarded to you or if you'd like to edit your letter, click this link to send your fax):


Even if the war in Iraq ends today, we would need to address the depth of grief and misery that the people of Iraq confront - and will face indefinitely.

The supplemental budget bill delivered to Congress last week falls far short in resolving the likely humanitarian crisis caused by the war.

It's essential that our nation stand behind its commitment to heal Iraq, to make certain that the Iraqi people receive the food, medicine, and support that they need. It's time for us to begin inspiring the world community with our hearts, instead of alienating it with our guns.

That's why America's humanitarian and reconstruction work in Iraq must be conducted with the full cooperation of the international community. We should reaffirm our commitment to the United Nations by joining with it in the healing process in Iraq.

Unfortunately, the Bush Administration is poised to conduct its humanitarian efforts in Iraq with the same disastrous "go-it-alone" approach that it used in the war. Tell Congress to 1) ensure that our nation partners fully with the United Nations for all humanitarian work in Iraq, and 2) provide the humanitarian resources needed to inspire awe even among our enemies.

Click Reply and we'll send the fax below to your House Member. If you want to customize the fax or if a friend forwarded this email to you, just click this link to send your free fax:


Ben Cohen
Co-Founder, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream*

* I am writing this email on my own and not on behalf of Ben & Jerry's, which is not associated with the TrueMajority campaign.

Here's the letter we'll send to your Representative in the House:

Dear Representative:

It's time for our nation to begin inspiring the world community with our hearts. We must stand fully behind our commitment to provide all assistance necessary to rebuild Iraq and help its people. We must wage peace even more fiercely than America is waging war.

Please ensure that we not play into our enemy's hands by doing this incompletely or alone. We can earn the respect of our friends and adversaries by abandoning the destructive "go-it-alone" policy that characterizes this war.

The coming months and years will test the strength of our nation's spirit. It's essential that America be there for the Iraqi people - with the world community at our side.

(We'll put your name and address here)

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