Title: RE: [NOTICE] Subversion conversion


I would vote to move it up one level.


-----Original Message-----
From: William A. Rowe, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:37 PM
To: CLI Dev
Subject: Re: [NOTICE] Subversion conversion

CLI mod_aspdotnet folks;

do we want to maintain


or drop the cli/ container, placing all of our modules at the
httpd/ root parallel to mod_mbox, mod_python, etc?

I'm getting ready to move those as the incubator committee
has graduated us!


At 12:52 AM 11/18/2004, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
>--On Saturday, November 13, 2004 7:03 PM -0600 Sander Striker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm finally taking care of the conversion of httpd-* to SVN.
>>I'll follow up with instructions on how to pull new workingcopies,
>>etc etc.  I'm looking for volunteers to actually write a page
>>for developers on where to get SVN and how to check out the
>>sources from the SVN repository.
>>I'm shooting for being done with it all by tomorrow night.
>Heh.  Best laid plans of mice and men.  =)
>Anyhow, we've finally got the conversion finished.  We're going to ask for one final sanity check from the community before we load it into the real repository.  Unless we stumble upon something major in the next 12-24 hours, I will load it in and open the trees back up.  You can browse/checkout the repository at:

>When we go live, this dump will be loaded into the asf repository under httpd. (So, httpd-2.0 will be in httpd/httpd/trunk.)  Note that *no* modifications made to the test repository will be preserved.

>The httpd-docs-1.3 repository still needs to be merged in.  (The way our httpd-1.3-docs is handled causes all sorts of nightmares with httpd-2.0's copies of the RCS files.)  I plan on tackling that tomorrow, but I have to get a few other backroom things resolved (mailer and ACLs) before loading the repository first anyhow.

>Thanks for everyone's patience!  -- justin

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