Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On 3/1/06, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've enjoyed responding to Justin's detailed questions, and appreciate the very
few comments which have arrived.  That said; I'm closing this survey on March
8th, please get any final offers of help above, additional questions or feedback
on the proposal composed and addressed on this list by the 8th so that the
appropriate disposition of this source code can occur.

The 8th came and wooshed by.  ;-)  So, what do we think we should do
now?  -- justin

Heh - apr and httpd aught to have released too, which didn't happen (but folks
have worked furiously and debated long to get things right, so that's not any
criticizm, just an observation of what I'm wrapping my head around right now).

I'll roll a candidate that builds against both 2.0 and 2.2, put it to a vote.

There are just a couple folks in cli-dev i've identified as potential pmc
representitives from the effort (based on user@, dev@ and bug tracking participation) but will hold off for the moment nominating them to hold
such a seat, until we decide if there is enough to sustain aspdotnet here
at httpd.  That endorsement would be partly based on continued contribution,
measured by testing/voting on the next/final/abortive attempt to release
win32 mod_aspdotnet.

Incidently, it's also my measure of if I will support / contribute to any
sort of WinHTTP based MPM technology here, or recommend against it for lack
of a Win32 -developer- community.  (users@ traffic continues to reflect a
healthy -user- community.)

Until someone has code to share for cli-dev, in terms of a 'native' or natural
.NET layer to pure httpd, I suggest we let that list fold.  There was not a
sufficient show of interest to continue that effort as a community.  We should
further close the cli-users list and move mod_aspdotnet traffic to [EMAIL 

The snapshot/binary will be prepared once I've tagged & rolled httpd-2.0.xx
in the next few days, and it will either be approved, or won't get sufficient
votes, in which case I'll be withdrawing my future efforts in that module.

Thanks to those who've expressed interest in either mod_aspdotnet or some future
.NET framework around and specific to Apache httpd.  Expressions of support are
appreciated, but it's time to measure oversight, and the only actual measure of
oversight are PMC members who vote up or down release candidates.

Sorry Justin, tried to ping you last week even in anticipation of this
question, but you weren't to be found or were ignoring me ;-)  I trust this
syncs with your expectations.


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