At 02:12 AM 12/17/2004, Sean McCleary wrote:
>Hi all, question on config:
>The example docs say how to get ASPX files running in c:\StoreCSVS,
>and aliasing that to /Store/CSVS.
>And that works forme.
>So uh... what if I want my ASPX files to just be in the "/" directory?
> i.e. I want people to get to http://myhost/index.aspx .
>I've tried Aliasing "/" to "c:\StoreCSVS", AspNetMounting "/" to
>"c:\StoreCSVS", and setting my DocumentRoot to "c:\StoreCSVS" but it
>doesn't work.  Should it be?  Do I always need to have some kind of
>prefix in the URI, like "http://myhost/ASPXFilesGoHere/index.aspx";?  I
>think I am not understanding something.

First, Apache alias directive requires that you slash terminate
both the origin and target, e.g. / to /foo/.  Aliasing / to /foo
means that /bar -> /foobar, not /foo/bar as you would be proper.

Second, AspNetMount does some tricks to strip off the trailing
slashes.  What I believe happened is that we stripped the one
and only slash from the origin URI, which is not cool.


Alias / "c:/StoreCSVS/"
AspNetMount / "c:/StoreCSVS/"


Alias / "c:/StoreCSVS/"
AspNetMount / "c:/StoreCSVS"

and in the meantime, I'll investigate.

There is some trickery, in the ASP.NET core code, where it tries
to access the base directory by name.  It seems (IIRC) that the
trailing slashes were a bad thing when initializing the host,
because it confounded ASP.NET's introspection of the base
directory itself.


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