Testing the mod_aspdotnet module 2.0.0 we have a problem with the following

in "global.asax"
we have a handler :
protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
      string sPath = Request.Path.ToLower();  // in Example
      int iStart = sPath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
      string sPage = sPath.Substring(iStart, sPath.IndexOf(".aspx") -
      string newPage;

      if (sPage == "recipe")
         newPage = "/testpage/redirectpage.aspx?page=recipe";
        Context.RewritePath( newPage);                    // does not work
        // Context.Response.Redirect(NewPage); // even this does not work !


this worked fine with IIS  but with Apache (2.0.52) we get the following
error ( in the Browser)

" The requested URL /testpage/recipe.aspx was not found on this server. "

It lookes like the "Context.RewritePath"  or "Context.Response.Redirect"
does not work.

 If I call the URL direct it was shown in the browser.

We try to fix this with "RedirectMatch" in httpd.conf - this works!!
... but the above handler is only a simle example, our real handler has
quite more programatical logic and we could not put this logic into the
apache configuration-file.

I hope someone from the developer-team could help us.

with kind regards

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Reimelt GmbH

i.A. Jürgen Goldmann
Software / Elektronik  (ETS)

Messenhäuser Straße 37-39
D-63322 Rödermark

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